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Jet grouting screens

Jet grouting is an injection system based on extreme high pressure that can be used in all types of soil. Grout bodies of a pre-determined shape, height and depth can be constructed to create a screen or wall. The strength of the grout and the addition of reinforcement allows for the construction of load-bearing and retaining subterranean structures. The system is vibration-free and low-noise and can be used in confined spaces. It goes without saying that quality control and monitoring are very important.  


Applications include:

- repair of old foundations

- soil stabilisation

- soil-retaining structures

- sealing of sheet pile connections and leaks

- sealing of pipeline/sheetpile junctions

- sealing of building pits for horizontal drilling

- isolation of contamined soil

Registration and monitoring of:

- drilling process and drilling depth,

- lifting and rotating speed,

- injection flow and pressure of grout, water and air,

- grout suspension,

- excavated grout suspension.


Depending on the design requirements, ambient factors and soil condition, three different installation systems can be used (1, 2 and 3 phases).

Applications include:

- repair of old foundations

- soil stabilisation

- soil-retaining structures

- sealing of sheet pile connections and leaks

- sealing of pipeline/sheetpile junctions

- sealing of building pits for horizontal drilling

- isolation of contamined soil


Name of project


Den Haag, Extension Museum Mauritshuis 

Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis

Delft, Motorway A4

Combinatie A4All

Utrecht, Soil improvement Central Station

U-centRaal vof